Why We Misjudge People All the Time
On the psychology of self-presentation and impression management
Yaay! My little lemonade stand is now open for business!
Check it out:
I have two products there:
An option to buy me a banana!
An option to get all of my early comic strips delivered right into your email inbox, starting with the very first comic!
The first is just a convenient way for you to throw a coin into my hat and support my work. You get a picture of Little Big Eyes holding a banana as a reward :-)
The second is intended for those of you who have missed my early comic strips and want the convenience of having them delivered by email throughout the week (2–3 comics per week).
It’s basically the same as DBCX over at Substack, but with the key difference that you get to choose which set of comics out of my archive you want to get. So, for instance, if you subscribe to Volume 1, you'll get comics #1 – #30 of DBCX.
Check it out and let me know if you have any questions! (Just reply to this email.)
And if you don't care about my old comics, check out this week’s story and comic:
Why We Misjudge People All the Time
On the psychology of self-presentation and impression management
My mom doesn’t know me. Not really. For a long time, she only knew the role I played in her presence. That’s why she was so surprised when she started reading me online.
“Who the fuggedy f*ck f*ck is this joke-cracking cartoonist with a penis fetish who’s impersonating my son?!” (I’m paraphrasing).
These days, she knows me a little bit better, having read stories from me on such various topics as octopus sex and why I keep a jar of peanuts hidden from my niece. And yet, she still doesn’t really know me.
No one does.
That’s because I …
Comics I’ve published recently:
Thanks for reading!
— David